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Final Report

The present volume is a comprehensive reflection on the research conducted within the framework of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project “Education for Fashion-Tech (E4FT)”.


The final report offers trainers, practitioners, students, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), stakeholders, opinion leaders and policy-makers research data and reference points for developing an integrated Fashion-Tech approach into curricula, didactic and learning approaches, product development processes, and programmes for social and economic growth.

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The volume highlights the benefits of the adoption of such an integrated approach into higher education and the labour market, thanks to the development of better-qualified professionals. Additionally, it envisions an enriched cross-disciplinary European higher education system and a more competitive transnational labour market, where fashion and technology are fused boosting knowledge and economic growth.


Download the report here


We encourage you to make use of the resources on our website to support the development and re-design your fashion-tech courses and curricula, and to contact the team in case of any questions. Also keep an eye out for continued development work on fashion-tech education, such as FT Alliance and Destex

Thank you for your engagement and feedback during the last 3 years! 

Looking forward to future discussions on education for fashion-tech,
The E4FT Team 

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