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Smart textiles workshop Borås

The fifth, and last, teaching and learning activity was held in February at the Swedish School of Textiles. 10 students in total, locally and from London College of Fashion, met at the Textile Musem, and other facilities of the Swedish School of Textiles, to learn about smart textiles.  


Throughout the week, the students were introduced to printing with thermochromic inks, a variety of materials and possibilities for conductivity in textiles, besides the main focus on weaving and knitting. We also had Inuheat, a Swedish company that has developed their own systems for heated apparel, present their technology, with the aim of the students learning about practical applications of such smart textiles. After the introductions the students were free to explore their ideas at the facilities of the Swedish School of Textiles, which they presented on the last day. ​

Besides our own experts in the field with Delia Dumitrescu and Marjan Kooroshnia guiding the students, we also had doctoral students Erin Lewis and Vidmina Stasiulyte mentoring, along with external experts:

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